Portes ouvertes / Open house

Come on in and try curling!

The Club de curling St-Lambert welcomes you for its open house on January 25 from 14h-17h

During the activities, vous can try our sport with the help of instructors and learn all about the joys of curling!  In order to reserve a specific time that suits you, we strongly suggest that you contact [email protected] to submit your availability.

For more info:  OPEN HOUSE 

Thanks and hope to see you on the ice!




Doubles du mardi - Tuesday Doubles

Trophée double d'automne - Berverley Maize

Bravo !

Sunhi et Marcel



Christmas Bonspiel - gagnants du jour - daytime winners


Mike Dawson , Daniel Arcand , Ed Archer et Shantak Vollant



Gagnants du tournoi de Noël de soir --- Evening Christmas bonspiel winners


Robert Devine - Gilles Therrien - Louis Lortie et Mathias Desloges


Finalistes: Denis Beauchemin - Gilles Gosselin - Stéphanie Pollard et Stéphanie Sanders 


Gagnants du trophée Maurice Robert - Trophy Maurice Robert winners


Marc-André Bouchard - Daniel Arcand - Normand Carrière et Guy Filion



Gagnants du tournoi d'un jour et du trophée Bob Devine

Félicitation à Otterburn Park 

Steve Upton (skip) - Tom Langton (3e) - Jean Brissette (2e) et notre Raymond Bédard (lead)



Gagnants du Sunshine --- congratulations!


Gilles Wallingford Bonspiel

Félicitation aux gagnantes du Gilles Wallingford!

Congratulations to the winners!


Notre futur --- Our future

Quelques uns  de nos juniors apprentissage

Some of our juniors learning the game


Marcel Bouvier honoré par la ville de St Lambert

Marcel Bouvier fut honoré pour son implication au club de curling par la ville de St Lambert

Bravo Marcel!


Marcel Bouvier was honored by the city of St Lambert for his implication in our curling club

Congratulation Marcel!


Curling Quebec U18 Tournement

The Curling Québec U18 tournament takes place from October 12 to 14 at our club.

To see Live Results

Girls :
      Gold:       Team Pointe Claire
      SIlver:    Team Noranda
      Bronze : Team Laval/Bel-Aire/Glenmore
      4e:           Team Bel-Aire/St-Lambert

Boys :
      Gold:       Team Pointe Claire
      Silver:     Team Grand-mère
      Bronze : Team BTR
      4e:           Team St-Lambert

Registration for new season


It is now time to complete your 2024-2025 registration by signing in on this website (upper right corner).  If this is your first time registring, welcome to the club and please use a frequently read email.

Once connected, head on to Membership under the Registration section.

You can pay via an Interac transfer [email protected] or during the registration evening on September 24.

Thanks and good season to all!

Championnat du jour - Daytime Championship


Marc-André,Guy,Marcel et Marla



Championnat du club --- club championship

Victoire de L'équipe Messervier en finale après dix bouts âprement disputés!

Dominic Messervier, Joannie Lafontaine, Matthew Angelus et Kevin Rioux

Victory for Messervier team in the final after 10 contested ends!


Championnat du club --- club championship --- runner up

Congratulations to Team Mitchell for their nice run during the Ladder Championship (Matt Mitchell, Nathalie Audet, John Gammon & Celia Roussel)!   They lost in a very competitive final against Team Messervier.


Championnat du club --- club championship


Caledonia 2024

Le club de curling St-Lambert fut bien representé en fin de semaine dernière lors de la coupe Caledonia division Lassie

St-Lambert curling club was well represented last weekend at the Caledonia cup Lassie division


Caledonia 2024


Trophée des Fondateurs / Founders Trophy

Team Plante won the Founders Trophy for the 2023-2024 season.  The Founders Trophy is awarded to the regular champs of the Ladder (cumulative points during the year). 

Congratulations to Paul Fantie, Jean-François Plante, Maxime Pinard & Phillipe Matte!



L'ÉQUIPE MITCHELL (Célia Roussel, John Gammon, Nathalie Audet et Matt Mitchell) (champion défendant)


L'ÉQUIPE MESSERVIER (Kevin Rioux, Matthew Angelus, Joannie Lafontaine et Dominic Messervier)

Gagnants (es)-Winners --- Double du Mardi

Félicitation à Sunhi Cho et Serge Ouimet



Gagnants-Winners ligue du mercredi - wednesday day league


Johanne,Thierry,Serge et André



Championnat du club --- club championship

Plus que deux parties!

Demi-finale ce soir: Fantie vs Mitchelll

Finale jeudi: Messervier vs (le gagnant)

Good Luck!


Gagnants/Winners - Ligue du samedi matin



Jean-Pierre, Gilles, Brien, Marie-Hélène,


Gagnants du cashpiel du jeudi soir

Skip Laurent Faust 3e Basil Marple 2e Guy Filion lead Réal Fortier

Merci à Michel Leblanc pour l'organisation du tournoi

Winners of the thursday night cashpiel

Skip Laurent Faust 3e Basil Marple 2e Guy Filion lead Réal Fortier

Thanks to Michel Leblanc for the organisation of the event



Tournoi Lenoxville open --- Lenoxville open (pie tournament))

B winners

Paul Fantie, Dominic Messervier/Jean-François Plante, Laurent Faust and Alain Beumier



Championnat du club --- club championship

Début du championnat lundi prochain 18h40 avec les wild card 


Club championship start next monday 6h40 with the wild card


Gagnants/Winners - championnat Dudley Kerr

Congratulations to the winners! 

Sunhi Cho(skip), Carole Gagnon(3rd), Celia Roussel(2nd), Stephanie Sanders(1st)


Curling - Plateau Argent Double / Silver Tray Doubles

Félicitations ! Congratulations !

Marc-André Bouchard et France Allard


Médaillés aux Jeux du Québec - Medalists at the Jeux du Québec

Congratulations to our juniors for their bronze medal at Les Jeux du Québec 2024 as team Rive-Sud!!!

On the picture left to right: Matt Mitchell (coach), Noah Noseworthy (skip), Justin L'Espérance (3rd), Thomas Gammon (2nd), Leo Clement (lead)


Gagnants / Winners - Ligue du samedi matin - Trophée Wally Charron Trophy - Saturday Morning League

Shantak, Basil, Sunhi, Dave

Félicitations pour la victoire - Congratulations on the win !!


President Bonspiel

Congratulations to team Klacko which won the 2024 President's Bonspiel!  The team was Wendy Klacko (skip), Francis Bilodeau (3rd), Raphael Harrisson (2nd) and Jocelyn Brace (lead).  Thanks to all the players and volunteers for the participation!

Here is the picture album: https://www.stlambertcurling.com/albums/331


Junior Interclub games

James, Vincent, Roselyne and Alexis won the interclub competition at Laval sur le lac on February 10.  Congratulations to the team!


Are you interested in curling? Check out this video!

Are you interested in curling? Do you want to learn more about our Club? Check out our short video clip broadcasted on TVRS as part of the "Vu and Reconnu" show.


For more information: [email protected]


Le Club à TV Rive-Sud

Une capsule présentant notre Club sera diffusée sur les ondes de Télévision Rive-Sud chaînes 609 Vidéotron HELIX 09 et en simultanée sur le web TVRS EN DIRECT.  La capsule sera au menu de l’émission VU & RECONNU.  Voici les diffusions prévues sous peu (consulter l'horaire pour les rediffusions au cours des prochaines semaines) :

  • Mardi le 06 février à 18h30;
  • Dimanche matin le 11 février matin à 9h00;
  • Mardi le 13 février à 18h30;
  • Dimanche matin 18 février à 9h00.

Merci aux membres qui ont accepté d'être filmé lundi dernier et à l'équipe des glaces d'avoir préparer les glaces très tôt mardi dernier afin de permettre aux entrevues d'avoir lieu.   Notre présidente Marie-Hélène Biffi et moi-même avons été interviewé par Sylvie Bardier, la conjointe de François Deblois, que vous avez possiblement eu le plaisir de croiser lors de soupers du club.


Open doors January 20 2024

Come on in for our Open house January 20 from 2pm to 5pm to try curling ! Bring family and friends to try a new sport!

Registration at [email protected]

Curling 101 Winter 2024

Our Curling 101 session have started! Focused on fun, safety and fitness, you'll learn the skills to participate in club leagues!  It's not too late to ask for availability by emailing at [email protected]

Superb performance by our teams at Caverly

Superb performance by our teams at Caverly

GOLD for Cadet and Peewee teams.

Gold : Peewee team: Nicole Fortier (prog. manager), Vincent Dionisio, Alexis Plante, Gloria Lu, Roselyne Blais, coach Jean-Francois Plante

Gold : Victoria Grégoire, Beatrice Laplante, Angélie Thomassin, Lily Bernier, Gloria Yang Yu Lu et coach Luc Thomassin

Bronze : William Forte, Hugo Turgeon, Anthony Bergeron, Leo Clément, Noah Noseworthy et coach Édouard Fortin


Many thanks to the organizers and parents who made this day possible and memorable for our youngsters in St-Lambert.

Caverly Web Site


Bonne année 2024 ! Happy new year 2024 !


Open doors January 20 2024

Come on in for our Open house January 20 from 2pm to 5pm to try curling ! Bring family and friends to try a new sport!

Registration at [email protected]

Joyeux Noël - Merry Christmas !!!


Gagnants/Winners - Fred Ferrie Doubles

Félicitations/Congratulations !!!

Stuart Bennett-Marcel Bouvier


Tournoi de Noël - Christmas Bonspiel

Congrats to team Klacko on their 2023 Christmas Bonspiel win.  The team is Marcel Bouvier (lead), Jean Morency (2nd), Kevin Roy (3rd) and Wendy Klacko (skip).  Thanks to all the participants and numerous vonlunteers that made this edition so fun!

You can see all the pictures here

Happy Holidays!


Bonspiel de NOËL

This week is the Christmas Bonspiel.  See the dedicated page to consult the results of the tournament; it is available via the main menu (tab ''Bonspiel'')



Gagnants/Winners - Trophée Maurice Robert Trophy

Félicitations - Congratulations !!!

Dave Sharp, Basil Marple, Denis Turcotte, Marie-Hélène Biffi


Gagnants/Winners - Trophée Bob Brown/Bob Brown trophy

Félicitations/Congratulations !!!

Stuart Bennett (Skip), Carole Gagnon (3e), Pierre Malo (2e), Marla Stovin (Lead - Absent)


Gagnants/Winners - Trophée Inspiration Bob Devine trophy

Félicitations à l’équipe de Bel-Aire qui a remporté l’édition 2023 du trophée INSPIRATION BOB DEVINE lors de notre tournoi d’un jour des séniors !!!

Congratulations to the Bel-Aire team who won the 2023 edition of the INSPIRATION BOB DEVINE trophy at our senior one-day tournament !!!


Gagnantes/Winners - Épingle d'argent/Runners up - Evening Ladies

Félicitations/Congratulations !!!

Wendy Klacko - Victoria Mertl - Stephanie Pollard - Claire Boulanger


Gagnantes/Winners - LCA St-George 2023

Félicitations/Congratulations !!!

Claire Boulanger - Wendy Klacko - Louise Boulanger - Johanne Tremblay


Gagnants/Winners - Trophée Sunshine trophy

Félicitations - Congratulations !!!

Michel Côté - Thierry Labriet - Luc Guérin - Marcel Lafleur


Gagnantes/Winners - District 1 - Trophée Centennial trophy

Félicitations - Congratulations !!!

Wendy Klacko/Sunhi Cho/Louise Boulanger/Johanne Tremblay

Bonne chance pour la prochaine partie contre les gagnantes du district 2 - Good luck for your next game against the district 2 winners !


Gagnants - Trophée Doubles d'Automne / Winners - Autumn Doubles Trophy

Félicitations ! Congratulations !

Gagnants du trophée Doubles d'Automne -  Winners of the Autumn Doubles Trophy

Shunichi Maruyama et/and Stuart Bennett


Joyeux Halloween ! - Happy Halloween !


Gagnants/Winners - Finale C final - Tournoi de Sorel tournament

Félicitations à l'équipe Colts /Congratulations to the Colts team !!!

Philippe Lebel, Célia Roussel, Jérémy Nicolas, François Deblois.


Denis Beauchemin honoré par la ville de Saint-Lambert lors de la soirée de reconnaissance des bénévoles des organismes

Toutes nos félicitations à Denis Beauchemin qui a été récompensé pour son implication dans le club lors de la soirée de reconnaissance des bénévoles de la ville de St-Lambert.

"Denis Beauchemin a su se distinguer à titre de bénévole particulièrement au cours de la saison 2022-2023 par l’organisation d’un tournoi provincial U21. Tout en assumant ses rôles de Directeur Match et de responsable du programme junior du club, il a su mettre sur pied un important tournoi se déroulant sur cinq jours. Son leadership, sa logistique impeccable et l’équipe de bénévoles qu’il a mis sur pied ont permis de faire de l’événement un succès."

Bravo Denis et merci encore à tous nos bénévoles pour leur implication dans le bon fonctionnement quotidien du club !!!


Tournoi Juvenile U18 - Curling Quebec

October 7, 8 and 9: Curling Québec's U18 Juvenile Tournament

TEAMS - SCHEDULE - Preliminary Results   - Elimination round  GIRLS and BOYS


Or - Kenogami Soudex                        

Argent - Riverbend/Opémiska                    

Bronze - Pointe-CLaire U18             

Or - Pointe-Claire                         

Argent - Des Collines                    

Bronze Noranda -Domaine Opatica 


Curling 101

Sessions start next week !

Registration [email protected] 


October 1st open doors

Come and try curling !  You are invited to our open doors on October 1st from 2pm to 5pm

Registration required at [email protected]

Curling 101 - Oct. 2023


Open doors

Come and try curling !

You are invited to our open doors on September 25 from 6pm to 9pm and on October 1st from 2pm to 5pm

Registration required at [email protected]


Attached File : PortesOuvertes - Opendoors - SeptOct2023.pdf

Membership 2023-2024


Our BBQ day for 2023-2024 rmembership will take place on September 17th between noon and 3PM

You can also register on line here.


Volunteer of the year!

Jean Morency has been awarded the Volunteer of the year for the 2022-2023 season.  We would like to thank Jean for his availability and efforts as a part of our ice team in order to have the best ice possible for our members.  We would like to also thank all our volunteers that helped out during this season!


VIP 2022-2023

It is with great pleasure that the Club has awarded Michel Sauvé the VIP prize for this season.  This prize recognizes a member contributions throughout the years.  Michel has greatly contributed to the club success on the ice on and off the ice with his great generosity and time commitment.  Thanks Michel!


Club Champions 2022-2023

Team Mitchell has recently won the grand final of the Club championship.  This final pitted against each other the 2 best ranked teams from the regular season (Messervier vs Mitchell) following a long elimination tournament.  Congrats to Matt Michell, Nathalie Audet, John Gammons et Janique Arsenault (Noah Noseworthy spare for the final).  Thanks to all participants and see you next season!


Volunteers supper and prizes

On April 17, the board of admistrators organized a supper for its numerous volunteers in order to thank them for their commitment toward the Club's success.  Thanks to Pizza Como for their sponsorship of the evening!


Gagnants de la ronde Championnat de la ligue du lundi

Félicitations aux gagnants de la ronde ‘CHAMPIONNAT’ de la ligue du lundi.


Mickey MacFarlane (lead), Carole Gagnon (2e) qui remplaçait Robert Beck blessé, Daniel Arcand (3e) et Basil Marple (Skip).


Bel été à tous !!!


Diner de clôture

Lundi le 17 avril dernier, le dîner de clôture du curling de jour s’est déroulé comme prévu, malgré le fait que la grande finale a dû être reportée à une date ultérieure.

La quarantaine de participants a grandement apprécié pouvoir se réunir dans une ambiance chaleureuse, typique de notre club.

Le repas a été suivi par de nombreux prix de présence pour terminer la saison en beauté.

Bel été à tous!


Fun Friday Champions


Congratulation to Sarah Dezan, Brian Romanchuk, Mary Shields, Rosemary Shuttleworth!  They won the Fun Friday final in a hotly contested game versus team Nobert (Gabriel Nobert, Raphaël Harrisson, Marc Campomanes, Stéphanie Pollard).  Thanks to all the league's participants for the interesting season!



Gagnants des parties amusantes - Fun games winners

Congratulations on winning the Easter Monday fun games !

Ed Archer (2nd), Daniel Arcand (3rd), Luc Guérin (skip) et Paul Côté (1st)


Founders' Trophy

Congratulations to Dominic Messervier (skip), Joannie Lafontaine (3rd), Matthew Angelus (2nd), Kevin Rioux (lead) for their incredible season with only 4 losses.

They won the Founders Trophy (Ladder regular season champions).


Past president Winners/Gagnants

Félicitations / Congratulations !

Jean Morency (2e), Jim Runciman (3rd), Don Hynes (Skip), Karen Graham (Lead)


Gagnants Double Winners

Félicitations ! Congratulations !

Gary Denham - Dave Sharp


Gagnants/Winners - Trophée Memorial Trophy

Congratulations on winning  the Saturday morning League "Memorial" trophy !

Gilles Dumas (Skip), Gilles Therrien (3e), Jacques Richer (2e), Michel Coté (Lead)



Senior one-day tournament

Congratulations to the Valleyfield team who won the 2023 edition of the INSPIRATION BOB DEVINE trophy at our senior one-day tournament


Championnes du Ladies Curling Association Défi Ted Thompson - Ladies Curling Association Ted Thompson champions


Gagnants/Winners - Double - Trophée de la plaque d'argent/ Silver plate Trophy

Johanne Tremblay et/and Luc Guérin

Félicitations/Congratulations !!!


Gagnants/Winners - Ronde/Round Stephenson

Félicitations/Congratulations !!!

Jean Morency (2e), Michel Leblanc (Skip), Marcel Lafleur (3e), Mickey Mac Farlane abs. (Lead)


Gagnants/Winners - Trophée/Trophy Andrews

Félicitations - Congratulations !

Bob Beck (2nd), Lloyd Megin (Skip), Marcel Lafleur (3e), Abs. Nathalie Zakaib (Lead)


Bonspiel du président/President bonspiel - Résultats/Results


Félicitations/Congratulations !!!

Gilles-Wallingford LCA division 1 - Gagnants / Winners

Marla Stovin, Marie-Hélène Biffi, Edna Ouellet, Wendy Klako.


Félicitations/Congratulations !!!

Gilles, Basil, Raphaël, Marc,

Félicitations pour votre victoire au trophée Wally Charron de la ligue du samedi matin !

Congratulations on your winning of the Saturday Morning league Wally Charron trophy !


Tournoi U21 Provincial - Un GROS merci à nos membres


A big thank you to everyone who made the event a success and made our club a star.

All week long, the timekeepers were dedicated to their task, orchestrated by Marc-André.

The players and coaches thanked us for the quality of the ice.  Marcel's team worked relentlessly to provide an outstanding ice, which lasted 10 ends.  

We had a broadcast of the games all week.  Thanks to Jean-Michel.  We reached over 100 consecutive views for some games.

Thanks to our volunteers who operated the bar and canteen.    Michel S.'s Egg McMuffin was a big hit.



Championnat provincial U21 - Gagnants !

Félicitations aux équipes Gionest (Riverbend) et Bédard (Noranda) pour leur belle performance !

Ils sont nos nouveaux champions provinciaux U-21 et représenteront le Québec au championnat canadien à Rouyn Noranda du 26 mars au 2 avril 2023 !


Championnat provincial U21 - Médailles d'argent et de bronze

𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗶𝗼𝗻𝗻𝗮𝘁 𝗽𝗿𝗼𝘃𝗶𝗻𝗰𝗶𝗮𝗹 𝗨-𝟮𝟭 𝗕𝗿𝗼𝘀𝘀𝗲 𝗣𝗲𝗿𝗳𝗼𝗿𝗺𝗮𝗻𝗰𝗲

Félicitations aux équipes Cyr et Girard pour leur médaille d'argent et leur place au championnat canadien ! 🥈

Félicitations également aux équipes Fortin et Audibert pour leur médaille de bronze ! 🥉


Fred Ferrie Doubles - Gagnants / Winners

Félicitations / Congratulations !!!

Pascal Brière & Stuart Bennett


Championnat provincial junior U21 - Provincial junior U21 championship

Hello everyone !

Our curling club will host the provincial junior U21 championship from January 25 to 29.

This provincial-scale competition is chaired by Curling Quebec and will allow 6 women's teams and 7 men's teams to compete for one of the two passes for the Canadian championships to be held next March.

You will find more information at the following link: Championnat provincial junior Brosse Performance U-21 | Curling Québec (curling-quebec.qc.ca)

We invite you to come in large numbers to support these top athletes!

Gagnants/Winners - Trophée Eileen Feeney Memorial Trophy (Huntingdon)

Félicitations / Congratulations !!!

Luc Guérin, Dan Fontaine, Jim Runciman, Dave Sharp


Gagnants/Winners - Trophée President trophy

Félicitations - Congratulations !

Mary Shields (2e-remplacement Shunichi Maruyama), Marcel Lafleur (3e), Stuart Bennett (capitaine), Mickey MacFarlane (1er)


Gagnants/Winners - Tournoi Hotshots tournament

Félicitations ! Congratulations !

Gary Denham 2d, Patrick Lafrenière 1st, Jean-Michel Fortin 2d


Bonne année 2023 - Happy new year 2023 !!


Joyeux Noël - Merry Christmas !!!


Trophée Bob Brown Trophy - Gagnants / Winners

Gary Denham (lead), Louise Boulanger (3e), Mike Dawson (Skip), Marie-Hélène Biffi (2e)


Tournoi de Noel / Christmas Bonspiel


Finaliste prix Meritas - Meritas finalist

Congratulations to Marcel Bouvier - Curling Québec Meritas 2022 finalist for recognition of excellence in volunteer of the year category.


Curling 101


Gagnants/Winners - Doubles d'automne/Autumn doubles

Carole Gagnon & Gary Denham - Congratulations on your winning the Autumn Doubles !


Gagnants /Winners - Trophée Maurice Robert Trophy - Ligue du samedi matin/Saturday morning league

Normand Carrière (3e), Gilles Dumas (Skip), Denis Turcotte (2e), Shantak Vollant (Lead), non présente sur la photo


Participation au LCA Challenge Mary McGuire 2022 au club TMR - 27 novembre 2022

Gagnantes District 1 - Finalistes LCA Mary McGuire 2022 : Wendy Klacko (skip), Louise Boulanger 3e, Victoria Mertl 2e, Johanne Tremblay (lead)


Open doors - December 3, 2022

You are invited to our open doors on december 3, from 2pm to 4pm.

Information and registration at [email protected]

Sunshine trophy - Winners


Christmas Bonspiel


Christmas Bonspiel – December 5 to 10

3 games guaranteed

Registration for the 1st Bonspiel of the year has started and will end on December 1st.  Registration forms and additional details are available at the club.  We are hoping to do a Christmas dinner.  We are looking forward to celebrating our sport.

We are also looking for a sponsor for our bonspiels.  If you want to promote your company, or simply help your club contact us at [email protected]

Ice rentals for all kind of events

Do you know that you can rent our ices ? You could learn the basics to play curling with our qualified instructors during your corporate or private events. We also offer a bar service.

All the informations are available on the "Rentals" section of this website.

You want more information ? Contact our coordinnator, monday to thursday 8am to 4pm. She will be pleased to answer your questions.

Call now to book your next event !


Challenger league

The Wednesday night league had its first theme day.


U18 tournament photos and results

Last week-end, 17 U18 teams participated in the first tournament of the year at St-Lambert curling club.

Here are the results for the girls :
🥇🏆  Team club Kénogami (Jolianne Fortin)
🥈 Team club Etchemin/St-Lambert/Victoria (Sarah-Ann Daigle)
🥉 Team club Lachine (Elizabeth Simard)

 For the boys :
🥇🏆 Team club Sept-Iles (Philippe Jauron)
🥈Team club Rosemère (Marc-Antoine Robert)
🥉 Team club Buckingham (Gabriel Hurens)

 Congratulations to all !


2022 U18 tournament - October 8 to 10



The St-Lambert Curling will host the future of curling in Quebec this weekend.  10 boys teams and 7 girls teams in the U18 category will participate in this edition.  Come in to cheer them on!


Schedule: https://www.stlambertcurling.com/en/pages/828

Results: https://www.stlambertcurling.com/en/pages/829


October 2 open doors

Merci à tous les participants !;;; Thanks to all the participants !

Nous espérons vous accueillir bientôt comme membres ;;; We hope to welcome you soon as members


Ice preparation for the october 2 open doors

Nos bénévoles travaillent fort afin que la glace soit prête pour les portes ouvertes du 2 octobre. Un grand merci pour leur dévouement !

Our volunteers are working really hard to have the ice ready for our open doors on october 2. Thanks for their dedication !


Curling 101


Sunday october 2 - Open doors from 3pm to 5pm

Venez essayer le curling !

Dimanche 2 octobre prochain le club vous ouvre ses portes de 15h à 17h pour découvrir ce sport. 

Inscription obligatoire au [email protected]


You are invited to our open doors on October 2, from 3pm to 5pm

Registration required at [email protected]


Registration - BBQ day - September 17th between noon and 3:00PM

Register for 2022-2023 curling season


Club champions

Bravo to our double champions of the 2022 season and end of season tournament

Dominic Messervier (Ship), Joannie Lafontaine(3rd), Matthew Angelus (2nd ), Kevin Rioux (1st) )


Attached File : Simple de soir.xlsx

Une 3e place au championat provincial

Nos filles ont terminé sur le podium.  Elles se sont classées troisième à une petite place d’une participation à une participation national.  Une belle performance qui prépare l’année prochaine sur le circuit provincial.

Kloé Latour, Kaitlin Hewitt, Mathilde Therrien, Delphine Beauchemin, Kyo Hewitt et leur entraineur Nicole Fortier. Absente sur la photo : Alexas Vieira



The young Noseworthy team participated in their first provincial championship in Noranda this weekend.  They showed enthusiasm and determination.  Congratulations to the team and the coach:

Noah Noseworthy, Thomas Gammon, Guillaume Carey, Léo Clément, Connor Selinger, and coach Gilles Carey.

Equipe Noseworthy - Curling Quebec

thank you to our sponsor  : Philip Clement


Curling 101


Curling 101


Trophée Bob Brown Trophy - Gagnants / Winners


Semi Final Xmas

Congratulations to the teams

Here are the teams that have qualified for the finals.


Attached File : Finales.pdf

Autumn Double Winners


Sunshine Trophy Winners


Semi-Annual General Meeting

Virtual Meeting

Saturday, December 4th, 2 p. m.


The Silver medal for the Girls!

Great start to the season for our juvenile girls team who won the silver medal in the first Circuit tournament which took place at our Club at the end of October.

Congratulations to Delphine Beauchemin, Kaitlin Hewitt, Alexas Vieira, Kyo Hewitt and Mathilde Therrien.
And a big thank you to all our volunteers without whom the event could not take place.


Règles et consignes - Saison 2021-22

Pour votre information, voici les règles et consignes en vigueur au Club
Bon retour et bonne saison!

Curling 101


Beginning of the season

Hello everybody,

As some of you may already be aware, the Club had some technical problems with the ice cooling system and some repairs had to be done to address the situation, thus causing delays in the season’s opening.

Fortunately, the problems have been resolved and the ice-making process has begun.

We can therefore confirm that we plan to open the ice during the week of October 25th with the leagues’ official start on the following Monday, November 1st, after the junior tournament to be held that weekend.

The Club does not foresee any reduction of its activities because of these technical problems and will offer a complete season to its members.

I am looking forward to seeing you all at the Club soon.

Gilles Therrien, President

Congratulation Rhona!

Rhona Tremblay
Lambertois in Heart and Deed

Rhona Tremblay

The Ville de Saint-Lambert presented a Lambertois Award to Rhona Tremblay in recognition of her indispensable involvement in the St-Lambert Curling Club.

For more than 15 years, Ms. Tremblay has been in charge of the club's accounting, a demanding task that she performs entirely on a volunteer basis, devoting between 10 and 15 hours per week to it. Her work involves regular bookkeeping, payroll preparation, government reporting and many other related duties. 

On top of this already formidable list of responsibilities, Ms. Tremblay possess an extraordinary sense of duty to ensure the club runs smoothly, and she is always willing to go the extra mile. Whether to run a last-minute errand or handle something unexpected that comes up, club members know they can always count on her. 

Working behind the scenes, Rhona Tremblay is a dedicated and humble volunteer whose sole motivation is to ensure the longevity of the club she cherishes. 

source : https://www.saint-lambert.ca/en/lambertois-merit-awards
youtube : town council - tribute to Rhona (13:00)


Registration Season 2021-2022

Registration for Season 2021-2022 will begin September 19th. Online only.
